

What does highest ranking means in clash of clans is it position in clan or level in game?

Every one was asking this question
"What does highest ranking means in clash of clans is it position in clan or level in game?".This is very frequent question I have been getting and today I thought to answer it.

Position in the clan and level in the game both matters in order to be high ranked but level in the game is far more superior than position in the clan.One can be a pro player if he has good level than ranking.
So it is necessary to increase your level than to increase your position in clan.

If you have a good level in game everyone will praise you and will ask help from you but if you have high position in clan but not good level than no one will praise you.

Highest ranking in clash of clans means good level in game.Hope you have understood what I wanted to explain you.

So increase your level not the position in the clan. Increment in the level will ultimately increase your position in the clan.

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