

Which game is better, FAUG or PUBG?

 Which game is better, FAUG or PUBG Mobile India

Both the games are not actually the equivalent with the goal that both will draw in various gathering of gamers. 

I lean toward Faug over Pubg mobile India as it is Indian or more that, it has all natural things, for example, its guide contains Indian spots and it has a storyline which is genuine and happened as of late. These highlights won't just draw in the Indian gamers yet in addition give them a view about the multitude of India which appears to be the fundamental thought of game. 


In any case, Pubg mobile India has a fanbase effectively set in India so it will be hard for Faug to rival it however we can not make any discernment about the game before its delivery. 

Almost certainly, both the games will be extraordinary yet it will profit Faug on the off chance that it is delivered before Pubg mobile India versatile India adaptation which we as a whole expect as Faug has been declared since an extremely lengthy timespan. On the off chance that Faug got delivered before Pubg mobile India, it will excitingly pull in all the gamers for quite a while and can make a fanbase yet in the event that Pubg mobile India got delivered before Faug, at that point the majority of the gamers will in all likelihood take Pubg mobile India as a need to draw in their crowd first. 

Anyway as Faug is an Indian endeavor, so there is an alternate fever among Indian gaming network for the game. Clearly, both the games will pull in the decorations similarly and Faug has an advantage over it as it will be something new for their streams too.

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